The CyberNoise Assimilation 18th February 2013
The CyberNoise Assimilation is a weekly roundup of news, information, releases and events for all things related to electronic music. If you're an artist, record label, event organiser and would like some news to be assimilated be sure to
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News Assimilated on 18/02/2013
John Carpenter and Alan Howarth
John Carpenter & Alan Howarth's 'They Live' soundtrack is now available to pre-order on limited edition vinyl via Death Waltz Recording - >>> view John Carpenter | Death WaltzChris & Cosey (Chris Carter and Cosey Fanni Tutti)
Chris & Cosey to perform a new HARMONIC COACTION set at Salford Sonic Fusion Festival on 21/03/2013 - >>> view Chris And CoseyhALObLACK (Bryan Black of Motor)
Bryan Black has put all of the hALObLACK material up on bandcamp to purchase/stream - >>> view hALObLACKKavinsky
Kavinsky's forthcoming album 'Outrun' is available to pre-order on iTunes - >>> view KavinskyKraftwerk
Kraftwerk announce that they are playing the 'T in the Park' 2013 festival - >>> view KraftwerkOMD
OMD's first single from the new album 'English Electric' will be 'Metroland' released on 25/02/2013. Details here - >>> view Orchestral Manoeuvres In The DarkSkinny Puppy
Skinny Puppy announce new album 'Weapon' for 28/05/2013 - >>> view Skinny PuppyTenek
Tenek's forthcoming limited edition CD version of the new 'Another Day' EP is now available to pre-order - >>> view TenekX Marks The Pedwalk
X Marks The Pedwalk Releases new video for 'Tormented Skin' online - >>> view X Marks The PedwalkMiscellaneous News
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