The CyberNoise Assimilation 3rd July 2017
The CyberNoise Assimilation is a weekly roundup of news, information, releases and events for all things related to electronic music. If you're an artist, record label, event organiser and would like some news to be assimilated be sure to
contact us.
To see a list of this current week's releases
click here.
News Assimilated on 03/07/2017
Conjure One (Rhys Fulber of Front Line Assembly, Delerium, et al)
Conjure One
@conjure_one to reissue latest album 'Holoscenic' on double vinyl LP via
@artoffact >>> view Conjure One | event | ArtoffactErasure
@erasureinfo (
@VeryRecords +
@AndyBell_info) post lyric video for 'World Be Gone' >>> view Erasure | event | MuteJuno Reactor
Juno Reactor
@JunoReactor to release new single 'Our World' on 30/06/2017 via
@HOMmega /
@MetropolisRec >>> view Juno Reactor | event | MetropolisK.M.F.D.M.
@kmfdmofficial to release new album 'HELL YEAH' on 18/08/2017 via
@earmusicedel >>> view K.M.F.D.M. | event | earMUSICLeæther Strip
Leæther Strip
@Leaether_Strip releases new single 'White As Chalk - The Remixes' >>> view Leæther Strip | event | LæbelLeæther Strip
Leæther Strip
@Leaether_Strip posts video for 'White As Chalk (Maxi Mix)' >>> view Leæther Strip | event | RustbladeLiars
@LiarsOfficial to release new album 'TFCF' on 25/08/2017 via
@MuteUK --> stream 'Cred Woes' now >>> view Liars | event | MuteMiscellaneous News
Spotted any errors or omissions?
Contact us with the details quoting the above page link and we'll update the database.