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Motor Discography


Motor Klunk Album primary image cover photoKlunk24 April 2006view icon
Motor Unhuman Album primary image cover photoUnhuman25 June 2007view icon
Motor Metal Machine Album primary image cover photoMetal Machine8 June 2009view icon
Motor Man Made Machine Album primary image cover photoMan Made Machine13 April 2012view icon


05037 July 2003view icon
Stuka Stunt25 April 2005view icon
Sweatbox25 July 2005view icon
Sweatbox (Chris Liebing Remix)12 December 2005view icon
Black Powder18 April 2006view icon
1X123 October 2006view icon
Bleep #112 March 2007view icon
Unhuman25 June 2007view icon
Flashback25 February 2008view icon
Humanzi v Motor
Diet Pills And Magazines
2009view icon
Motor Death Rave Single primary image cover photoDeath Rave15 May 2009view icon
Motor Autokill / Pitch123 Single primary image cover photoAutokill / Pitch12312 March 2010view icon
Motor Man Made Machine Single primary image cover photoMotor featuring Martin L. Gore
Man Made Machine
16 December 2011view icon
Motor Hyper Lust Single primary image cover photoMotor featuring Billie Ray Martin
Hyper Lust
30 July 2012view icon
Motor The Knife Single primary image cover photoMotor featuring Douglas McCarthy
The Knife
1 October 2012view icon
Motor Pleasure In Heaven Single primary image cover photoMotor featuring Gary Numan
Pleasure In Heaven
29 October 2012view icon

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